Our mission is to communicate the gospel story into everyday lives in a relevant, innovative, varied and up to date way. The gospel story has captured the imagination of people across the centuries because of the timeless truth that it speaks.
Our goal is to help people respond to, and be shaped by, the gospel story. Fostering deep and life-changing conversation in innovative ways.
We enable churches and groups to partner in mission by sharing our resources for free. We are supported by the generosity of people who believe that Christ’s great commission is for everybody at no cost.
If you would like to find out more about when our seasonal resources are available then please do get in touch via our Contact page or email info@hopefuelled.com.
The seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.
Luke 8:15
Goto Christmas resources Goto Easter resources
Over the last three years we have successfully developed a Easter Resource called “Experience Easter” which has featured in Shopping Centres and Churches across Scotland.
View our Experience Easter site

“Someone is coming” is a Christmas evangelistic resource that tells the Christmas story in a fresh and exciting way. Our fun illustration style and complementary Digital and Print resources will capture the attention of all generations.
View our Someone is Coming site

Mission Resources
Bespoke Design